目前分類:動人音樂述心事 (7)

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二、Cafés Cantantes時期

1842年俗稱"Siglo de Oro de Flamenco"的肇始年。該年在Andalucía地區附帶有flamenco表演的酒館開始注重cante及baile的表演。表演者一般並非以此為職業,而是flamenco的愛好者。該年在Sevilla出現了第一家café de cante,一種表演flamenco的夜間俱樂部,flamenco表演者首度作經常性演出,並因此領到薪水。

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Just before our love got lost you said,
"I am as constant as a northern star."
And I said, "Constantly in the darkness

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And so it is
Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me

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  • Oct 03 Mon 2005 00:04
  • 絲路

絲路 梁靜茹 曲:王力宏  詞:五月天阿信


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Comes a rain storm
Put your rubbers on your feet
Comes a snow storm

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